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Justice for "All" ?

Writer's picture: TJ KellyTJ Kelly

I live in a diverse neighborhood, and generally everyone is cordial with one another. On our Facebook page we post about things going on like lost dogs, traffic conditions, HOA issues, etc. Right now there has been an increase of activity with snakes in people’s yards. So they take pictures of the snakes asking fellow neighbors is it a harmless snake like a garden snake or a rat snake, as well as a harmful snake like a water moccasin or a cottonmouth. I’m not a zoologist. So in my yard regardless of what kind of snake he is , to me that snake is a dead snake. I am not taking the time to learn and know it, I have preconceived thoughts that all snakes are bad, but if I took time to know them my mindset may be different. Although they do not all look the same, they are all still snakes. My question is to America are black people like the snakes I’m alluding to? In my opinion not just black people but people of all ethnicities have members of that demographic who are good and bad. I viewed the snakes all the same. Snakes are considered pests to me, but if I took the time to study them. My opinion of the good snakes could be swayed. They are reptiles. Humans have a completely different makeup. It amazes me how much of a difference . 5mm of skin can determine how some people get treated. Answer this, if a person whether black, white, hispanic, or any other nationality was dropped in a pit with a pack of lions do you think the lions would care about our different skin tones. All they would see is lunch. Basically the interaction would go like this. See the human, eat the human. Our makeup is the same; it's what we've been exposed to and our experiences that make us different. We need to get to know one another to overcome our inherent stereotypes .

Pro-choice vs pro-life is a hotly debated topic. This has been a major talking point in many elections in recent years. Who knows, that fetus may become a future lawyer, a famous singer, a professional basketball player, or maybe even a president? However, it’s more likely the child becomes your normal average working American, but sadly they can become a murder victim by the time they’re 46. Only God knows that.

A funny thing happens after birth. Some of the same staunch, Pro-lifers lose that passion for cherishing the lives of others they have for unborn fetuses. Whether they complain about the economic strain that’s put on the government, such as welfare programs that exist to help low income families, especially those with kids, navigate thru economic difficulties. Or refugees leaving a foreign country to seek asylum, from places overrun by cartels, gangs, and tyranny. It’s the epitome of hypocrisy. They are holier than thou one moment, but they become selfish and only care about what pertains to them the next. Covid 19 aside. Wasn’t America supposed to be a place where everyone was accepted equally. A place where anyone in this world could fulfill their dreams. I didn’t know paying an extra 20 dollars a month on taxes meant that much. They are passionate about the potential lives that may possibly be aborted, but the sight of George Floyd literally dying before their eyes didn’t move them 1 iota.

The Bible says when God blesses you. You are to bless those who have less. A command of God is to love your neighbor. John 15:12 Jesus said, “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. When he said those words, that pertains to everybody. People of every race and nationality. America is supposed to be founded on Christian values. This country is supposed to exemplify the type of moral compass that this nation’s forefathers would be proud of. Minus that “little” slave thing they had going. One nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all is what they said. Is it really for all? The definition of all is used to refer to the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing. Like every US citizen. America, is every citizen being given the same inalienable rights? If you can say yes with a straight face you're being delusional. Yet another black person, George Floyd has been unjustly murdered by a cop or want to be cop and this time it was in plain sight. The final outcome remains to be seen, but the outrage is here with a vengeance. Kap and Dr King tried the nice way it didn’t work. Kap lost his career, King lost his life. Malcom X and the Black Panthers took a more militant approach. It didn’t work either. That is where the frustration comes from. What is it going to take?

Why has it been so hard for America to love and appreciate blacks and people of color with the objectivity and fairness they deserve? We speak at nauseam about systemic racism and how we aren’t considered as equals. A black man got 45 years for killing a police dog. A dog. Amber Guyger a former police officer from Dallas, killed a black man in his own apartment for merely opening his door, and got only 10 years. Correct me if I am wrong, the cop who blatantly screwed up got significantly less time, than a guy not trying to get bit by a dog. It appears the dog, who’s lifespan is probably 15 years is more valued than a man by that logic. It makes no sense at all to me. Am I wrong? If a vicious dog is coming towards me and I have a gun the dog is probably getting shot. That’s just one example of our lack of being valued in this country. We hold more value than just to entertain you.

There is also that segment of condescending, flippant, individuals who try to justify every incident pertaining to these unjust killings. First it’s character assassination and then they start a GoFundMe account. They even put up murder weapons for auction. That’s a slap In the face to the deceased. Just as egregious, Dylan Roof is still sucking up God’s oxygen after killing 9 parishioners in a church. He also got a Whopper with cheese on the way to being incarcerated. How did he manage to get a day in court for executing 9 people? If an alleged $20 bill scam gets the life choked out of you. Dylan should have been decapitated, yet he’s still living and taxpayers are footing the bill. They also criticize #blacklivesmatter, starting #allivesmatter, and #bluelivesmatter. I agree with both, but so that these detractors can get the point. Should it be called #blacklivesmattertoo since they wanna take everything so literal. All people do matter. I believe we are created as equals and can positively impact each other if we put our minds to it. As for blue lives. We need cops like we need air. Just like they don’t want to be unfairly judged as we blacks don’t either. Most of the people in law enforcement are great men and women and the actions of Officer Chauvin and his crew should not tarnish their legacies. Nor should gangsters in Chicago define me as a black man. We aren’t all as vile and demonstrative as we’re made out to be. We are professionals, we work, we have families too.

Going forward I feel that protesting is good, but the destruction of businesses and other property is unnecessary. It impedes our progress in gaining control of this tenuous situation. It also perpetuates the myth we are animalistic people. Although the looting wasn’t exclusive to blacks. Protest in an organized fashion. Be more like Dr Phil and less like late 90s Jerry Springer. Nothing gets solved in a chaotic environment. I encourage the lawmakers to put in legislation to hold these killers accountable. I feared for my life can’t be a license to kill an innocent person without repercussions. From our viewpoint that’s how it seems. Where is the justice? Like Jesus said on the cross he was thirsty. George Floyd said almost those exact words, he was literally pleading for help calling on his deceased mom at one point. As a black man that really resonated with me and shook me to my core. Did he get treated like any self-respecting human being should after allegedly using a fake $20 bill? The answer is unequivocally no. Especially considering that just the same week as George Floyd’s murder. UConn student Peter Manfredonia, 23, was taken into custody in Hagerstown, Maryland, for numerous infractions including 2 counts of murder after sparking a 3-state manhunt. Surely, he was at least beat with a nightstick right. No, he was treated humanely despite the severity of the crimes he had committed. He’ll get his day in court. George Floyd, like many before him, won't get his. He instead is having his corpse prepared for his home going service, because of unjust treatment by renegade cops. There is no deterrent for cops and neighborhood watchmen when it comes to how they interact with blacks. Time and time again the criminal justice system has failed us. Until more cops and want to be cops are dealt the harsh punishments, they deserve for murdering minorities unjustly, upheaval like we’re seeing all across America will continue to happen. After being sequestered at home for months people's patience is thin.

No justice, no peace. America, the choice is yours.



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